tabtabt Chao clearly imitated Satoko's hair style wearing in a strait bobbed hair. Her forelock was cut and arranged as strait as applied a ruler. I don't know why, but she looked like somewhat large in the hair style. She looked like not so much large, as she looked like Alice who ate a magic mushroom and got bigger all at once. tabtabt After that, I had never met Chao again in this town. tabtabt Passing my birthday, on a day in the afternoon, my wife and I went to West Park with our children to take a stroll. We were walking about the southern rails along the Hirose River. The youngest daughter was between wife and me gripping both hands. Elder son and daughter abruptly got running, stopped at about 100 meters away, turned to us, and were beckoning. tabtabt Casting my eyes toward the riverside, the sprouted young grass was waving in the wind, on the undulated surface of the river the lights shaking, in the subtle sunshine of the early spring, the shimmer of the heated air was going up from the black soil. tabtabt At the moment, I saw! Looking through the layers of the transparent air double-refracting, the love letter put down on the snow evaporating, was going to rise to the heaven just now, rolling and wavering, in the omnipresent lights full-filled.