tabtabt Suddenly, the girl disappeared almost like shin-ki-roh (visual hallucinatory roh = lofty buildings appear through ki = breaths given out by a huge shin = clam). When this was a mirage caused by abnormal lights refraction, would it ever be able to inquire "Why" ? Was my eyeballs' refractive index in the first place abnormal, or else was the image given by the girl to me was a mirage generated by the breaths breathed out by a girl who is really a little shellfish? However, how can you explain such phenomenon as the person herself disappears into the mirage with double refraction?

tabtabt 10 and several years after, I could get a little more detailed information about Satoko from my second wife, that is, the wife at present. Satoko had lived in the neighborhood of the house of my wife's parents' and they were very intimate friends. "Satoko had run out from this town and never since returned..."

tabtabt From the days 10 years had gone by, now I was a man with 3 kids. Although Chao was apparently much younger than me, yet she might be about 25. I kept at hand the remained sole copy of the coterie magazine on which printed the "Blue Glass" and I handed it over to Chao through a person afterward. Consequently, it comes to that Chao not only heard the story directly from me at the time, but also thoroughly red it again later.

tabtabt As both of Chao and I were well known in Peter Pan, when we were going to go out together, I felt my cheek a little glowing, but got out of the shop pretending to be casual and yet showing at least a posture escorting a woman steadily. We walked along the streets adjusting our step-widths each other like when they danced a mambo for the first time (though Chao did not look like a large woman, she was still taller than me even when she did not wear high-heeled shoes) and moved to the jazz spot Miles on Central Avenue.